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[이균성의 스타트업 스토리]⑬세미파이브 조명현 대표 – ‘무어의 법칙’ 주검 위에서 새로운 기회를 찾다

무어의 법칙이 무너지면서 시스템 반도체 시장이 급변하고 있습니다. 인텔 CPU 같은 범용 반도체가 급격히 위축되고, 애플의 자체 칩 같은 전용 반도체(Custom Silicom)가 급부상하고 있습니다. 무어의 법칙에서 벗어나 반도체를 ‘더 싸게 더 빠르게’ 개발해야 한다는 숙제가 많은 기업에 주어진 것이죠.



Learn more about SEMIFIVE

SEMIFIVE is the pioneer of platform-based SoC design, working with customers to implement innovative ideas into custom silicon in the most efficient way. Our SoC platforms offer a powerful springboard for new chip designs, and leverage configurable domain-specific architectures and pre-validated key IP pools. We offer comprehensive spec-to-system capabilities with end-to-end solutions so that custom SoCs can be realized faster, with reduced cost and risks for key applications such as data center or AI-enabled IoT. With a strong partnership with Samsung Foundry as a leading SAFETM DSP partner, as well as the larger ecosystem, SEMIFIVE provides a one-stop shop solution for any SoC design needs.